This term, Children’s House (Pre-Kindy to Pre-Primary) students have been learning about dinosaurs. They consolidated their learning with an incursion from Dino World. The in-class session introduced these prehistoric creatures, and focused on well-known dinosaurs such as the Stegosaurus, Triceratops, Allosaurus, T-Rex, and Camarasaurus.
The students were able to see and touch a variety of fossils. Everyone wanted to try on the Triceratops horns!
The session ended with time to view James T. Rex. (an 11x6m inflatable dinosaur). It was a great opportunity to compare features such as foot size with those of the students as well as how many students wide and long James is.
Treetops students enjoyed the swimming lessons during the final two weeks of Term 1. Well done to all students for their participation during these cooler two weeks of the term. The ability to swim is vital for saving your life in untoward situations in and around water.

The Marri (Year 3-4) class at Treetops were lucky enough to talk to two paramedics who visited the school with an ambulance vehicle. Students got the chance to sit inside the ambulance, take their blood pressure, measure their heart rates, and some even sat in the driver’s seat!
The students had lots of questions for the paramedics and were told so many interesting things about ambulances and the role of paramedics. It really benefits students to have a positive experience of an ambulance and to understand that paramedics are there to help us, as this may help them feel more at ease it they, or someone they know, ever needs help in the future.

Term 1 has seen wonderful engagement in Music at Treetops, in all of the different ways possible. We have a record number of students taking part in private instrumental and group lessons this year, and toward the end of this term our students have been getting very excited about starting Dance and Drama in Term 2.